Over the next 3 months, you will create flashcards for the 1000 most common words in your target language (around 11 new flashcards per day). This leverages the 80/20 principle: The 1000 most common words make up 80% of speech in any language, so you will already be able to understand a lot by just learning these*.

We will be adding pre-made decks for the most popular languages in the coming months, so you don’t have to create all cards by yourself. You can duplicate them (and move them here if you want to keep it all in one place).


If there’s no pre-made deck for you, or you want to do it by yourself (which is a great way to learn anyway), you can start adding your flashcards right here.

Example French: https://1000mostcommonwords.com/1000-most-common-french-words/

For each word, add context (like an example sentence) and an audio file with pronunciation. You can use websites like https://soundoftext.com/ to generate an audio file for a word or sentence in your target language. On the back side, add the translation.

This will take you around 10 minutes a day.
