You now know the basic content immersion cycle (see Listen + Read: Immerse). You will keep going through the same cycle in all levels.

The only thing that changes is the content, which will become more challenging.

In A2, you’re going to immerse in daily life sitcoms. This helps you learn daily life language, while the visual context makes it easier to understand. Watch with matching, target language subtitles.

To make it easier, you start with a dubbed version of a sitcom episodes you already know in your native language, so that you know what they’re talking about.

There will be lots of words you don’t understand - only create flashcards for them if they are comprehension gaps, e.g. prevent you from getting the main points of the story!

Understanding the message is the goal, not understanding every word!

After doing a couple of these, try to find a sitcom (or other daily life content) which is originally in your target language. This will help you better to learn the right mouth and face movements.

As always, start adding more content which you can listen passively any time.